BITCOIN ha un proprio indice: tasso di riferimento standardizzato (BRR) e indice di prezzo in tempo reale (BRTI) di CME Group.


Il 14 novembre scorso CME Group ha lanciato  due indici dedicati al bitcoin.

CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR)

The BRR aggregates the trade flow of major bitcoin spot exchanges during a specific calculation window into a once-a-day reference rate of the U.S. dollar price of bitcoin. Calculation rules are geared toward a maximum of transparency and real-time replicability in underlying spot markets.

CME Group and Crypto Facilities Ltd. designed the BRR around the IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks.

CME CF Bitcoin Real Time Index (BRTI)

The BRTI aggregates global demand to buy and sell bitcoin into a consolidated order book and reflects the fair, instantaneous U.S. dollar price of bitcoin. It is geared toward low latency and timeliness and is based entirely on forward-looking input data.

The BRTI will be published once every second and is suitable for marking portfolios, executing intra-day bitcoin transactions and risk management.


I due indici dimostrano come l’interesse del mondo finanziario sia in costante aumento nel confronto del fenomeno crittovalute e sono da riprova, se ancora se ne sentisse l’esigenza, che il fenomeno bitcoin è sempre più “qui per rimanere”.


Paolo Luigi Burlone

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